Chapter 4 The dream of Nebuchadnezzar
Chapter 4
The dream of Nebuchadnezzar
44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. 45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces. “The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. The dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy.”(Daniel 2:44,45)
The dream
Nebuchadnezzar conquered all middle east countries and became a mighty Emperor. Two years after he began his rule, he saw a dream. The dream was given by God to tell him about God's plan for the future of the world. God wished to remind the king that he need not boast about his kingdom of Babylon because it is God who is in control and He raises and removes powers of the world. Finally, Messiah will establish His eternal kingdom on earth.
31 “Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. 32 The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly, and thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. 34 While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.(Daniel2:31-35)
The king was greatly distressed. He lost his sleep and forgot the dream. All the wise men and magicians of the land were called to the palace and commanded to tell him both the dream and its meaning. They told the king that "there is no one on earth who can do what the king asks! No King, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer." The furious king issued orders to kill them and destroy their houses.
The mystery revealed to Daniel
When Daniel heard the news, he enquired of Arioch, the captain of the king's guard, the reason for the king's decree. Then Daniel went to the king and requested him to give some time so that he will be able to tell the king both the dream and its meaning. That night, Daniel along with his three friends knelt before God and prayed for the revelation of the dream and its meaning. The whole mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. The words of praises that Daniel offered to God. He mentions seven things:
20 and said:
“Praise be to the name of God forever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
21 He changes times and seasons;
he deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
22 He reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what lies in darkness,
and light dwells with him. (Daniel 2:20-22)
Arioch took Daniel to the king. When Nebuchadnezzar asked him whether he can tell him his dream and its meaning, Daniel gives all honor and glory to God and does not take any credit to himself.
Interpretation of the dream
The greatness and splendor of the image depict the power and character of world powers. They appear very powerful and prosperous. But in reality, they are lifeless and weak as the image. They have no strength or stability because they are standing on such a weak and dangerous mixture of iron and clay. The whole structure is made up of different materials which can't be joined together. All the materials are taken from the earth. The nations may appear strong and bright, they are still of the earth and without any unity. The statue which begins at the top with gold and ends with feet of clay is a good picture of the world powers which appear great in the beginning but are destined to end in pieces.
Daniel explains the meaning of the four parts of the image. They represent four would powers or governments beginning with Babylon.
1. Golden head
The head represents the first world power, Babylon, that came into being after the fall of Israel. Its glory lasted 70 years from B.C. 606-536. Babylonian empire occupies the first place among the gentile nations. The attractive and precious gold points to the prosperity and splendor of Babylon.
Nebuchadnezzar ruled Babylon as a powerful autocrat for 44 years till B.C.562. He spent seven years in the wilderness with wild animals as a punishment from God for his pride. His successors were weak and led lives of pleasure. Belshazzar was killed in the midst of a boisterous and drunken gathering in his palace in B.C.536 By Medo-Persian kings who took control of the land.
Babylon is depicted as a lion with eagle's wings in chapter 7
2. Chest and arms of silver
This part of the image points to the Medo-Persian empire which became powerful after the Babylonian empire. The empire lasted more than 200 years from B.C. 536 till 330. As silver is inferior to gold, Medo-Persian kings had less prosperity and splendor than Babylonians, but lasted longer and controlled more areas. The picture of two hands depicts the joint authority of Medes and Persia. Gold is the symbol of kings and silver is the symbol of princes. Princes occupied positions of power in the Medo-Persian empire. When they conquered Babylon in B.C.536, Cyrus was the Persian king and his father-in-law, Darius was the Median king. As Cyrus was busily engaged with matters of war, he appointed Darius to be governor of Babylon. Two years later, when his father, Campia, died, Cyrus took over control of the total empire. Cyrus was succeeded by 9 kings. The empire faded away with its last king, Darius III and the Greek empire began to gain power.
The Medo-Persian empire is presented as a bear in chapter 7 and as a ram with two horns in chapter 8.
3. Belly and thighs of bronze
This part of the body of the image points to the Greek empire which became powerful from B.C.331.
In B.C.331, Alexander the Great conquered Medo-Persian empire and became a powerful emperor. He was very lenient to the Jews. He built cities in all lands that he conquered and tried to teach the Greek language to all people. When he died unexpectedly in B.B.323, the kingdom was divided into four. But they were still the most dominant powers of the world politically, socially and culturally until Roman empire gained in power in B.C.63.
The Greek empire is depicted as a leopard in chapter 7 and as a male goat in chapter 8.
4. Legs of iron and feet of iron and clay
The iron legs point to the powerful Roman empire, and the feet of iron and clay depict the democratic governments which come up after the fall of the Roman empire.
The Roman empire is presented as a dreadful and terrible beast in chapter 7
The Roman empire became powerful around B.C.63. Rulers were all autocratic men from noble families. The administration was strict and without any leniency towards any one. 'Roma' was a city founded by an Italian named Romulus in B.C.758 on the banks of River Tyber. The city rulers became very powerful later and conquered the lands around them to form an empire. An army general named Pompy who ruled from B.C.86 to 48 subdued rebels and pirates and conquered Syria, Palestine and other middle eastern nations in B.C.63. Pompy was killed in B.C.48, and Julius Ceasar became the ruler. Julius Ceasar was killed by Brutus in B.C.44 Then Octavius, Ceasar's son-in-law, Mark Antony and Lepidus ruled the empire together. In B.C.30, Octavius took the name, Augustus Ceasar, and assumed charge as the first emperor of the Roman empire. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem during the reign of Augustus. Roman empire was divided into two: Western empire and Eastern empire in A.D.364. The two legs of the image depict these two empires.
The feet and toes of the image represent the rulers who rise up after the fall of the Roman empire. Read how Daniel describes these kingdoms: "The kingdom shall be divided. The kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. They will mingle with the seed of men, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay". See how clearly the present day democratic governments and their instability are described prophetically!
The present system of government will last until the age of the Gentiles comes to an end and will eventually lead to the formation of ten nations like the ten toes of the feet.
The stone untouched by hand and the end of the world powers: A stone untouched by hand proceeds out of the mountain and smashes the image. The stone represents none other than Jesus Christ. His birth, life, death, and resurrection were all beyond human efforts. His return will also be in similar fashion. All world powers will come to an end at His glorious appearance. Christ will establish His Millennium rule on the earth
Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and praised God of Daniel as soon as Daniel related the dream and its interpretation to the king. Daniel was given many presents and made the chief ruler of Babylon and given authority on all the wise men of the land.
The age of the Gentiles is coming to an end, and the return of Lord Jesus Christ is near. All the world powers will disappear, and our Lord will establish His kingdom. Are you ready?
This part of the image points to the Medo-Persian empire which became powerful after the Babylonian empire. The empire lasted more than 200 years from B.C. 536 till 330. As silver is inferior to gold, Medo-Persian kings had less prosperity and splendor than Babylonians, but lasted longer and controlled more areas. The picture of two hands depicts the joint authority of Medes and Persia. Gold is the symbol of kings and silver is the symbol of princes. Princes occupied positions of power in the Medo-Persian empire. When they conquered Babylon in B.C.536, Cyrus was the Persian king and his father-in-law, Darius was the Median king. As Cyrus was busily engaged with matters of war, he appointed Darius to be governor of Babylon. Two years later, when his father, Campia, died, Cyrus took over control of the total empire. Cyrus was succeeded by 9 kings. The empire faded away with its last king, Darius III and the Greek empire began to gain power.
The Medo-Persian empire is presented as a bear in chapter 7 and as a ram with two horns in chapter 8.
3. Belly and thighs of bronze
This part of the body of the image points to the Greek empire which became powerful from B.C.331.
In B.C.331, Alexander the Great conquered Medo-Persian empire and became a powerful emperor. He was very lenient to the Jews. He built cities in all lands that he conquered and tried to teach the Greek language to all people. When he died unexpectedly in B.B.323, the kingdom was divided into four. But they were still the most dominant powers of the world politically, socially and culturally until Roman empire gained in power in B.C.63.
The Greek empire is depicted as a leopard in chapter 7 and as a male goat in chapter 8.
4. Legs of iron and feet of iron and clay
The iron legs point to the powerful Roman empire, and the feet of iron and clay depict the democratic governments which come up after the fall of the Roman empire.
The Roman empire is presented as a dreadful and terrible beast in chapter 7
The Roman empire became powerful around B.C.63. Rulers were all autocratic men from noble families. The administration was strict and without any leniency towards any one. 'Roma' was a city founded by an Italian named Romulus in B.C.758 on the banks of River Tyber. The city rulers became very powerful later and conquered the lands around them to form an empire. An army general named Pompy who ruled from B.C.86 to 48 subdued rebels and pirates and conquered Syria, Palestine and other middle eastern nations in B.C.63. Pompy was killed in B.C.48, and Julius Ceasar became the ruler. Julius Ceasar was killed by Brutus in B.C.44 Then Octavius, Ceasar's son-in-law, Mark Antony and Lepidus ruled the empire together. In B.C.30, Octavius took the name, Augustus Ceasar, and assumed charge as the first emperor of the Roman empire. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem during the reign of Augustus. Roman empire was divided into two: Western empire and Eastern empire in A.D.364. The two legs of the image depict these two empires.
The feet and toes of the image represent the rulers who rise up after the fall of the Roman empire. Read how Daniel describes these kingdoms: "The kingdom shall be divided. The kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. They will mingle with the seed of men, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay". See how clearly the present day democratic governments and their instability are described prophetically!
The present system of government will last until the age of the Gentiles comes to an end and will eventually lead to the formation of ten nations like the ten toes of the feet.
The stone untouched by hand and the end of the world powers: A stone untouched by hand proceeds out of the mountain and smashes the image. The stone represents none other than Jesus Christ. His birth, life, death, and resurrection were all beyond human efforts. His return will also be in similar fashion. All world powers will come to an end at His glorious appearance. Christ will establish His Millennium rule on the earth
Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and praised God of Daniel as soon as Daniel related the dream and its interpretation to the king. Daniel was given many presents and made the chief ruler of Babylon and given authority on all the wise men of the land.
The age of the Gentiles is coming to an end, and the return of Lord Jesus Christ is near. All the world powers will disappear, and our Lord will establish His kingdom. Are you ready?
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